New and improved! The operator-independent Thermal Gradient Test used to show favorite temperature and thermal comfort threshold on rodents (mouse and rat) freely moving on a plate offering a temperature gradient has a new software application with enhanced function and user experience. BIO-GRADIENT2 is an innovative tool for analgesic drug screening and research on thermal nociception and sensitivity.
Bioseb’s operator-independant Thermal Gradient Test is a preferred analgesia/nociceptive research instrument to show favorite temperature and thermal comfort threshold on rodents (mouse and rat) freely moving on a long plate offering a stable temperature gradient.
As advised by A. MOQRICH, and published in Moqrich et al (Science 2005, 307: 1468-72), the Thermal Gradient Test, like the Thermal Place Preference test, allows researchers to work on unrestrained animals (mice and rats) let free to choose their preferred position (comfort zone) within a continuous temperature gradient. This gradient spans between two programmable temperatures and is established across the base plate of a 120 cm long corridor. The BIO-GRADIENT2 from Bioseb can be used in a wide range of studies to investigate the mechanisms underlying thermal perception and pain. This includes studies on the role of different sensory receptors and ion channels in thermal sensitivity, behavioral thermoregulation, as well as on thermal nociceptive responses. The BIO-GRADIENT2 can also been used to study the effects of different drugs and genetic manipulations on thermal sensitivity and nociceptive responses in rodents.