The Zero-Maze is an alternative to the elevated maze for rodents (rats and mice), without the center square to avoid ambiguous results:
for evaluation of the anxiety-like behaviour in rodents
Modification of the classic Elevated Plus Maze, the BIOSEB Zero-Maze is also a model for the evaluation of the anxiety like behaviour in rodents.
Operating principle
There is no central point so the animal is always in a closed arm or open arm.
It prevents any ambiguity in interpretation of the time spent in the different fields.
Product Details
Dimensions - Overall
LE841 Rat - Diameter Ext. 1050 Mm – Diameter Int. 850 Mm – Walls Height 295 Mm – Base Elevation 510 Mm
LE845 Mice - Diameter Ext. 460 Mm - Diameter Int. 350 Mm – Walls Height 70 Mm – Base Elevation 500 Mm
Materials Methacrylate