Controls heating blankets, heat lamps or heating plate during surgery procedures
The TCAT-2 general purpose PID Autotuning Controller provides accurate temperature control in a variety of laboratory applications.
Combined with a heat lamp or heating pad, the TCAT-2 may be used to maintain the body temperature of anesthetized animals during surgery or stereotaxic procedures. Small animal cages are easily warmed with a heat lamp.
The TCAT-2 may also be used in cooling applications, such as to control independent perfusate cooling systems.
The TCAT-2 is simple to set-up:
connect the feedback sensor to the animal and to the back of the controller,
connect the heating pad, blanket, lamp or cooling device to the appropriate outlet on the rear of the controller.
Adjust the set temperature as required (lower green display) according to the instruction label on top of the instrument.
The set temperature is stored in memory after the unit is switched off.
The body temperature, measured by the rectal probe, is compared to the set temperature by the TCAT-2. If the body temperature (red) is lower than the set (red), the controller switch the heating device (lamp, pad or blanket) ON, until the animal's temperature is enough.
The heating device is switch OFF as soon as the body temperature reached the set temperature, in order to avoid overheating. The temperature control is gentle and safe for the animal.
maintain body temperature during Surgery procedure
Stereotaxic operations
recovery after surgery, in recovery cages