DRAQ5™ is the proven far-red fluorescent DNA dye for LIVE or fixed cell analysis. It is spectrally compatible with most visible-range fluors including GFP/FITC and R-PE.
In microscopy and high content screening, DRAQ5™ allows easy nuclear counterstaining without UV excitation. In flow cytometry, DRAQ5™ allows phenotyping of blood/BM and direct cellular DNA content analysis without any RBC lysis or fixation, permeabilisation or RNase treatment.
DRAQ5™ is available in two concentrations: 0.5mM and 5mM. The 0.5mM Convenience Pack allows for simple and convenient dilution. The 5mM Classic Packs come in three sizes; 50μl, 200μl and 1ml. Please get in touch if you would like to order bulk volumes of DRAQ5™.
Why DRAQ5™?
There are many reasons why DRAQ5™ is the DNA dye of choice:-
IT’S EASY - ready-to-use, straight from the fridge without the complications of DMSO, thawing, aliquoting
IT’S FLEXIBLE - a cross-platform DNA dye that works on live or fixed cell and tissue preparations
IT’S RELIABLE - demonstrated on hundreds of cell and tissue types and remarkably photostable
IT’S PROVEN - cited in thousands of peer-reviewed papers to give you confidence
DRAQ5™ can bring significant benefits to your application:
simplify phenotypic analysis of blood or bone marrow by avoiding RBC lysis and washing steps
labeling of dsDNA is stoichiometric so you can measure DNA content/cell cycle position cell-by-cell
clear nuclear segmentation in the far-red for morphometrics and multi-colour analysis
skip the queue for the UV-equipped microscope with this far-red counterstain!