Urine undergoes many changes during the stages of disease or body dysfunction before blood composition is affected significantly. Urine analysis is a useful procedure indicator of good health or disease and is part of a medical database.
Detection of 11 parameters
Easy to use,
Reliable, visual read or automatical read
100 tests per kit (to be used within 6 months after opening)
The URITOP®+ reactive strips for urine analysis are rigid plastic strips on which several areas of reagents are fixed. The test is intended for the qualitative and semiquantitative detection in human urine of several parameters: Urobilinogen, Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketones (Acetylacetic Acid), Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Nitrite, Leukocytes, Ascorbic Acid, Microalbumine and Creatinine. The test is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only.
1 bottle of 100 strips with a color chart printed on the bottle.
1 instruction leaflet
How to interpret the results?
The results are obtained by direct comparison of the colour blocks printed on the colour chart. The colour blocks represent nominal values; actual values will vary closely to the nominal values. In the event of unexpected or questionable results, the following steps are recommended: confirm that the strips were tested before the expiry date printed on the bottle label or airtight pouch, compare the results with the positive and negative controls, and retest with a new strip. If the problem persists, stop using the tests and contact BIOSYNEX.
How do i store my product?
Keep the closed bottle at room temperature or refrigerated between 2-30°C (36- 86°F).