RIGENERA is an innovative, safe, and reliable bone substitute.
It is totally synthetic and characterized by controlled resorption properties and extraordinary manipulation features.
The bone substitutes are used in many dentistry fields to solve complex clinical situations like:
• GBR techniques, sinus lift and socket preservation
• GTR techniques, under bone pockets
• endodontic surgery
• oral surgery
Rigenera is a synthetic, porous biomaterial designed for the treatment of bone defects and suitable for any clinical situation.
The PERFECT MIX of hydroxyapatite (HA) and β -Tricalcium phosphate ( -TCP), guarantees a perfect balance between resorption and graft stability.
BTK RIGENERA is composed by 30% of low absorbed hydroxyapatite (HA) and 70% of rapid absorbed β -Tricalcium phosphate ( -TCP). The exclusive production process based on the synthesis guarantees a totally uniform distribution of both mineral phases.
The composition of RIGENERA encourages the fast creation of newly formed vital bone by ensuring a long-term volume stability.
After being placed into the to-be-regenerated area, RIGENERA is subjected to a quick dissolution thanks to its -TCP component, and it releases Ca2+ and PO43 ions.
These work as molecular signal that leads to the precipitation of hydroxyapatite on the grafting surface, which produces an interphase (of few micron thick) where there are collagen, osteoblast, and fibrous bone tissue.
They appear first as amorphous substance and then they develop themselves by becoming structured; the graft dissolution follows from the inside by reaching the substitution with new bone as result.