The Bipolar Head has been formed to enable the double fit in case of total primary hip
arthroplasty. The wide range of swes and the large contact surface provide the preservation of
the acetabular cartilage. The head is compatible to all Biotech femoral stems.
Trial of sizes
The surgeon has to use the Bipolar trial heads with their handle to specify the size of the
acetabulum (1. picture). The Biotech modular stem rasp system also allows for the trial of the
neck size once the rasping procedure has been completed. Simply remove the rasp handle and
replace it by a trial hcad-neck component, inserting the Bipolar trial head into the acetabulum.
The trial procedure can be done with the help of the femoral stem implant as well.
It is recommended that the prosthesis taper s thoroughly cleared from any blood and/or debris
before the final head is attached. Then the appropriate Bipolar head «s placed on the dean and
dried taper and lightly tapped with the head impactor. Finally, the hip joint is reduced and the
usual closing procedure is made .