Analysis, monitoring and biofeedback of the autonomic nervous system and the heart rate variability
Using multi-channel measurement plethysmograph technology applied to the distal ends of the limbs, the PPG Stress Flow medical device analysis the overall activity of the autonomic nervous system and heart rate variability.
The examination takes a few minutes and allows the study and direct monitoring of all functions of the autonomic nervous system and the related process of biofeedback. Furthermore, it enables the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory and stress-related diseases and disorders.
From clinical to sports contexts, to clinical psychology, the analysis of heart rate variability and the indicators of the autonomic nervous system provide help in a growing variety of applications:
Monitoring of the general adaptation syndrome and stress-related disorders;
Diagnostics and monitoring of chronic inflammatory disorders and autoimmune diseases;
Psychological expressions and emotions analysis;
Sports performance
Longevity and psychophysical performance.
The basic device can analyse all the aspects below listed:
Mean HR: average heart rate.
SDNN: HRV synthetic index.
VLF power: sympathetic nervous system slower processes indicator.
LF power: sympathetic activity indicator.
HF power: parasympathetic activity indicator.
Scatter – Heart rate: heart rate variability representation.
Bilateral flow: bloodstream multi-channel representation.
ANS Balance: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activation representation.