Proven accuracy
Capillary action
Biosensor technology
Small blood sample
Quick testing time
Blood under-fill warning
15197: 2013 standard
The Supercheck Strip is for use with Supercheck Blood Glucose Meter and is intended for use in vitro (outside the body) and calibrated for the quantitative measurement of glucose in fresh capillary whole blood from the finger or the forearm. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals and people with diabetes mellitus at home and as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of a diabetes control program.
GOD Strip
Proven accuracy
Capillary action
Biosensor technology
Small blood sample
Quick testing time
The Supercheck Strip is for use with Supercheck Blood Glucose Meter and is intended for use in vitro (outside the body) and calibrated for the quantitative measurement of glucose in fresh capillary whole blood from the finger or the forearm. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals and people with diabetes mellitus at home and as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of a diabetes control program.