Robust and temperature-shock resistent
Flexible and safe
With 7 angular adjustments
Residual heat display
Tray for 3 instruments
Stainless steel design
Long - lasting sterilization tube (quartz glass)
Sterilization period 5-7 seconds
Self - locking angular adjustment
Annealing without flame
The electrical sterilization e-Loop system is most suitable for the sterilization of inoculation loops, needles and instruments.
It is ideal for laboatories and safety cabinets where the use of gas and open flames is not permitted.
To steilize the inoculation loop, simply insert it into the quartz tube. After 5-7 seconds, the inoculation loop is sterilized.
Flexible and safe
A spay protector is integrated for more safety when handling with pathogenic material. Even clogging is not an issue. Any residue remaining on the smooth surface of the quartz tube can be removed easily.
Stainless steel
A 100% stainless steel design makes the e-Loop resistant to even the most extreme laboratory conditions.