ACR (ratio of Microalbumin to Creatinine)
ACR<3.4mg/mmol (Normal)
ACR 3.4-33.9mg/mmol(Abnormal)
ACR >33.9mg/mmol(Highly abnormal)
Clinical significance of urine Microalbumin:
Early indicators of changes in the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
The”window” of arterial disease.
Detection frequency of urine Microalbumin.
Significance of urine Microalbumin/Creatinine(ACR):
Random measurement of ACR helps predict dominant urine protein.
A large amount of literature shows that the ACR ratio is significantly consistent with the 24-hour protein excretion rate.
The time difference of Creatinine to correct urine albumin excretion.
The metabolic end products of normal muscle cells enter the urine at a constant rate.
Value:Provide an indicator of the concentration/dilution of the patient's urine.