PharmaTrac® is a BPOC – barcode-point-of-care solution designed
to ensure patient safety through the validation of medication administration.
Bedside Validation
Significantly reduces administration errors by matching the patient with the prescribed medication
Medication Tracking
Tracks medication from Pharmacy to Patient allowing to close its loo
Tracks medication batches and expiration dates up to the moment of administration.
Event Record
Near misses are monitored and errors are avoided.
Patient Medication Preparation
Pharmatrac allows nurses to prepare medication for patients in advance using the handheld device
Ensures the 5 rights
Right patient
Right medication
Right dose
Right time
Right route
Compliance with the guidelines
WHO Compliant ;
Joint Comission International (JCI) Compliant;
Compliant with EMRAM Level 6 & 7 (HIMSS) and other accreditation models
Pharmatrac is GS1 compliant
Integration with pre-existent electronic prescription software.
2D codes are created in the Pharmacy with medication, dosage, batch, expiration date and supplier information;
2D codes are placed in every primary unit that leaves the Pharmacy to the clinical departments.
Nurses login with their ID badge
Identify patients by scanning their wristband
Identify the prescribed medication for each patient
Identification of the medication, dosage, batch number and expiration date.
Confirm the administration on the handheld device. PharmaTrac® alerts when:
The patient is not correct;
The medication does not match the prescription;