Attached to the skin and the transmission of the axillary body temperature data is done via bluetooth connection to a mobile device or fixed antenna and the values are stored and processed in real time by a platform that manages the data flow and data monitoring alerts.
According to WHO, about 140 million births occur each year. In the case of babies born in hospitals, 32% to 85% have hypothermia, and this percentage can reach up to 92% in the case of babies born at home, even in tropical environments. The lack of thermal protection is still the main challenge for the newborn’s survival in developing countries.
The physical device is disinfectable, can even be used while taking a shower (24 hours). Reusable for multiple babies with a product lifetime greater than 3 years without recharge.
Potential markets
For immediate detection of feverish conditions
Medical personnel
Bedridden patients
Industry operators
Elderly in home surveillance