1.Prepare gloves, masks, pen and AB Transport Medium Kit for sample collection.
2.Check the expiry date and packing status.
3.Wear gloves and masks before the collection.
4.Peel off the kit package and take out the swabs holding the swab handle.
5.Tilt the patient's head back slightly.
Sample collection
6-1. Throat swab
Without touching the sides of the mouth, swab the back of
throat and the tonsil area on both sides of the throat.
&-2. Nasal swab
Insert the tip horizontally until the Nasopharynx and rotate the
swab 5 times.
7.Withdraw the swabs carefully.
8.Insert the swabs into the ABTM until it reaches to the bottom.
9.Break the swabs at the molded break point.
10.Screw the cap firmly to ensure no leakage.