Useful in a Wide Variety of Applications
in Forensic Science, Biology and Materials Research
With a Motorized programmable automatic trim, the Microtome MT-990 cuts plastic and hard specimens with ease.
CR-X cryoattachment permits sectioning from ambient temperature to -165C
Quickly remove cryo chamber to convert microtome to room temperature operation
Designed for:
Atomic Force Microscopy
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Optical Microscopy
Ideal for applications in:
Forensic Science
Quality Control
Materials Research
Motorized programmable automatic trim
Cuts paraffin, plastic and hard specimens
Motorized cutting stroke may also be used manually
Motorized knife stage, 28 mm maximum travel
Feed totalizer, selectable for either total feed in micrometers or total number of sections
Separate controller for hands-off operation