When you assess a patient, you examine them from all sides. You walk around and interact with them. What if you could do the same with their digital images?
Brainlab Mixed Reality lets you interact with patient data as you would with patients.
The evolution of interaction
The way medical practitioners have interacted with patient data has evolved over time.
Explore the digital interaction devices that carved a path for mixed reality.
Derived from the typewriter, keyboards were the first devices for users to input and interact with data on early computers.
Mouse control
Coming into common use in the 80s, the mouse allowed users to intuitively point and click, increasing speed of interaction.
Touch interfaces
Zoom, pan, scroll, rotate—touch control made working with information even more intuitive and interactive.
Spatial computing
Today, data has evolved out of the limitations of the screen to allow for interacting with and viewing data anywhere.
Enhancing your interaction
Make mixed your reality. Discover where we see mixed reality adding a new dimension for better insights.
Patient consultation
Enable patients to better understand their diagnosis and the surgical approach by showing them their own anatomy and the procedural plan in 3D. Facilitate shared decision-making with patients and family members in mixed reality.