Brainlab Elements Fibertracking revolutionizes neurosurgery with the constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) analysis module.1 This software enables the visualization and analysis of brain white matter pathways for enhanced neurological understanding and patient care.
Switching between deterministic diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-based and probabilistic CSD-based tractography enables users to focus on critical and patient-specific visualization.
Inform your decisions with advanced tracking1
Take full advantage of research-grade probabilistic tractography in your clinical practice to identify multiple fiber directions like crossing and fanning fibers, as well as fibers that may be present in edema.
Use tracking templates to expedite your planning
Choose from a selection of tracking templates, e.g., IFOF1, CST that, enable efficient, standardized and reproducible tracking of important white matter tracts in the regions of interest with unique parameter combinations for each template.
Unlock patient-tailored planning
Streamline patient-specific planning by integrating combined MRI and DWI data, assisted by an intuitive user interface and instant updates, for a seamless pre-planning workflow of cranial resection surgery and functional stereotactic neurosurgery cases.
tractography visualizes fiber tracts more accurately than DTI
offering potentially improved safety margin estimates crucial for neurosurgical planning.