The THT is a fluorescence widefield mesoscope developed for detecting low light fluorescence that is emitted from biological sample at a low magnicifation.
This mesoscope has a very simple optical path combining two large-diameter objective lenses and a custom-made large fluorescent filter.
Custom-made systems can be constructed according to your request.
- Voltage sensitive dye imaging
- Widefield calcium imaging for in vivo brain
- Imaging with FRET, GCaMP, GEVI
- Intrinsic optical signal imaging based on hemoglobin and flavoprotein autofluorescence
- Optogentics and imaging
- Ratiometric fluorescence imaging with multiple camera heads
Main Features:
- Low magnifications with high N.A values - suitable for mesoscopic imaging
- Simple structure: specializing in imaging
- The optical axis can be tilted and rotated: no need to tilt the animal sample
- Easy removal of fluorescent filter
- Multifunction: used as a fluorescence beam splitter
- Inverted type is also possible