The kit is used for quantitative detection of fructose levels in human seminal plasma, while also used to determine the fructose levels in body fluid, food and other types of specimens.
• A new enzymic method for the quantitative détection
of fructose is adopted, which is innovative around the
• Compared to conventional methods, it is safer witfc
more sensitive and stable results.
•Opération in the microplates. Fast and easy-to-use.
•Available for automatic - and semiautomatic tests, good
for standardization of test.
•Shelf life up to one year
•40 tests per kit and meet - the need of batch testing.
•CE approved
In case of the bilatéral ejaculatory-duct obstruction, congénital agenesis of séminal vesicle or dysplasia, the fructose is determined as négative.
When subjecting to the epididvmitis, incomplète éjaculation or fréquent éjaculation, the fructose levels decreases. The fructose, when combining with other détection indicators (such as neutral alpha-glucosidase), mav perform the topical diagnosis for the obstructive site of patients with obstructive azoospermia. The fructose in séminal plasma is one of évaluation indicators of séminal vesicle secretory fonction. The levels of testosterone would influence the sécrétion of fructose in séminal plasma, and the lack of androgen may decrease the fructose levels. The decrease of séminal vesicle secretory fonctions may cause the decrease of semen volume. The fructose secreted by the séminal vesicle is the main energv source of sperm cells, and the decrease of fructose levels in séminal plasma would cause the energy under-supply of sperm, and thereby to influence the motilitv.