The kit is mainly used for quantitative detection of zinc concentration in human seminal plasma, while also used to determine the zinc concentration in blood, body fluid, food and other types of specimens.
• It is the first one in the country that adopts the method recommended by WHO to produce the kit. BRED has become the second manufacturer using this technology in the world.
• With good specifïcity, sensitivity and stability of the test results.
•Opération in the microplate. Fast and easy-to-use.
• Available for automatic and semiautomatic tests
• It is ready for use and easy to handle.
•40 tests per kit and meet the need of batch testing.
• CE approved
Zinc is one of the fonctional évaluation indicators for prostate, which is associated with the antibacterial infection. The pathogenic microorganism infections may cause the maie prostatitis, appeared as delaved liquéfaction of semen and decrease of zinc level in semmal plasma.
The production, maturation, activation and capacitation of sperm require the participation of zinc. The lack of zmc in séminal plasma may cause the decrease of sperm motilitv; the zmc level is correlated with the depolymerization function of nuclear chromatin; maintaining the normal zinc level in the semen would prevent the underlying damage to sperm of the maie and female génital tracts; zinc is also one of metals contained in the superoxide dismutase (SOD), which can remove the free radical contained in the semen plasma, therebv inhabiting the lipid peroxidation of cell membrane and protecting the morphosis and fonctions of sperm against the damage.