The mitochondria are the main site of ROS production in sperm. ROS play an important role in sperm physiology acting as triggers of fertilization processes such as hyperactivation.
However, in cases of mitochondrial dysfunctions, there is an imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant capacity, the oxidative stress. In this case, ROS cause damage to sperm structures including lipid peroxidation of the plasma membrane and DNA damage leading to loss of biological function of spermatozoa.
> Analyze the etiology of infertility.
> Analyze the reasons of ART adverse outcomes (low fertilization and blastocyst formation rate, miscarriage).
> Analyze the reasons of low quality semen parameters.
> Specific targeting probe for mitochondria, with an accurate result.
> Exclude the interference of dead sperm, and report the mitochrondrial ROS level in live sperm, which is more clinically meaningful.
> A large number of sperm can be easily analyzed, leading to good repeatable results.
> Required device: flow cytometer (blue excitation).