Bruker ProteoScape™ (BPS) is a GPU-powered platform delivering parallel computing capabilities and real-time database search results for bottom-up proteomics.
Analysis Time
Database searches take time, eliminate this step with uncompromised search results as soon as the acquisition is complete.
Instrument Time
Be sure every minute counts, with Bruker ProteoScape™ you can be assured that your instrument time is spent in the most meaningful way.
Precious Samples
Save those precious samples! Whether they are single cell, clinical, SILAC or enriched PTMs; Bruker ProteoScape™’s smarts will make sure they are not wasted.
Instrument time, reagents and sample preparation are costly. Bruker ProteoScape™ and Run & Done will save money because you are assured you are producing meaningful data.
4D-Proteomics™ with real-time search results and smart acquisition
Break the data analysis bottleneck by integrating real-time database search and smart
acquisition provided by Bruker ProteoScape™.
Universally available
All current and future timsTOF Pro, HT, fleX and SCP platforms are accessible with Bruker ProteoScape™
CCS-enabled data is rich, even so real-time database search capabilities are a reality with Bruker ProteoScape™ including PTMs like phosphorylation
Massive parallelization with GPU power
Bruker ProteoScape™ is GPU powered, provides massive compute power across thousands of CUDA cores
Bruker ProteoScape™ data review
View the intricate details of your data from the high level experimental information to a specific fragment ion spectrum of interest with confidence from the integrated viewer onboard of all Bruker ProteoScape™ boxes