All-in-one software for compound identification from non-targeted workflows
Identify & visualize
Add confidence to your IDs using annotation quality (AQ) scoring with CCS. Visualize biomarkers using built in statistical tools and map changing pathways.
Utilize a 4th dimension using TIMS to reveal CCS for all your compounds. Apply PASEF acquisition to trigger 10x more MS/MS events, enabling routinely higher confidence ID.
High throughput
Process large sample cohorts rapidly using MetaboScape’s client-server based software. Run > 200 samples per day using LC-free MRMS aXelerate.
Annotate imaging data with compound information, whilst detecting more compound classes using the innovative and unique MALDI-2 source on the timsTOF fleX.
From acquisition to biological insight
MetaboScape® uses a unified workflow to process non-targeted analyses from Bruker's ESI & MALDI Imaging instruments, simplifying the number of steps and rapidly pinpointing and identifying biomarkers.
MetaboScape®’s powerful T-ReX algorithm comprises retention time alignment, deisotoping and feature extraction to ensure robust data processing
Target compounds can be automatically annotated using user defined Analyte Lists
Unknown ID pipeline including library matching and in silico fragmentation to facilitate unknown ID
Visualize relevant information in complex data sets using supervised and non-supervised
statistics, including PCA, t-test, ANOVA, PLS and bucket correlation analyses
Annotation Quality (AQ) scoring providing five indicators of data quality
Pathway mapping to set identified metabolites in a biological context, thereby turning data into knowledge