GlycoScape™ is our platform for real-time glycopeptide results in glycobiology.
Real-time results to inform you of current instrument and sample status
Analysis Time
Glycopeptide identification is known to be time-consuming: eliminate this step with immediate result read-outs as soon as data acquisition is complete.
Instrument time, reagents, and sample preparation are costly. GlycoScape™ with Run & Done will save you money because you are assured that you are producing meaningful data - before your next sample is injected.
Instrument Time
We know, every minute counts for you - with GlycoScape™, you can be assured that your instrument time is spent in the most productive way.
Precious Samples
Save those precious samples! Glycopeptide sample preparation can be time-consuming and costly; GlycoScape™’s smarts will make sure that your precious samples are not wasted.
4D-Glycoproteomics with real-time search results and smart data acquisition
Overcome the data analysis bottlenecks by integrating real-time glycopeptide identification and smart data acquisition provided by GlycoScape™.
Universally available
All current and future timsTOF Pro, timsTOF HT, timsTOF fleX, timsTOF SCP, and timsTOF Ultra platforms are accessible with GlycoScape™. GlycoScape™ is conveniently bundled with Bruker ProteoScape™ at no additional cost.
Even for the large size of CCS-enabled data, real-time glycopeptide identification is a reality with GlycoScape™. GlycoScape™ utilizes the GPU-powered ProLuCID algorithm for peptide identification, combined with our Myriad algorithm for glycan composition.