Training simulator ALS

training simulator
training simulator
training simulator
training simulator
training simulator
training simulator
training simulator
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training, intubation, ECG, CPR
for general care
whole body


- Simulator for adult resuscitation training and evaluation - Lifelike body structure and silicon; Realistic training - Various emergency simulation - Rechargeable battery, completely wireless environment through Wifi and Bluetooth communication - Pupillary reflex; Patient assessment and evaluation - While chest compression, generate related pulse and check the ECG change from the patient monitor - Possible to do chest compression and ventilation at the same time - Palpate pulse at 8 sites (Left radial and brachial, left and right carotid/femoral/dorsal) - Change the pulse strength and turn each pulse off/on - Virtual patient monitor layout can be adjusted by selecting needed items - When running a prepared scenario, the current patient status can be jumped to the next status by using a transition - Scenario, Checklist can be exported or imported - The result data can be printed out by using a printer connected to a facilitator laptop - The detailed CPR result and even log can be saved to Excel format Eyes - Light Reflex / Consensual Light Reflex - Adjust pupil size : 1~8mm - Adjust light reflex speed : Prompt / Slow - Eyelids : Open / Closed Airway management - Head Tilt / Chin Lift - Jaw Thrust - Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation - Oral / Nasal Intubation : ETT / LMA / I-gel / Combi-tube : Detect Normal / Right mainstem intubation - Detect esophagus Intubation and gastric inflation - Measure force on incisors - Airway obstruction - Needle decompression Circulation - 3-4 Lead ECG - Defibrillation and cardioversion : Defibrillation waveform : CPR waveform


*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.