The ALUpur case series offers you, alongside an innovative and supremely classy design, case shells made from anodised aluminium or, if desired, also in stainless steel. The case shells are available in different design structures. The outer shells can be individually designed using a screen printing or embossing technique or with photo printing. Metal hinges, high-quality zinc die-cast locks as well as an ergonomic handle complete the look.
The full aluminium ALUpur is available customised and co-ordinated to your needs. Furthermore, the bwh standard range offers you a selection of cases in various dimensions which are available from the warehouse. If desired, the full aluminium case ALUpur can be fitted with a trolley system too. Production is carried out in accordance with ISO 9001-2008 in the production sites of bwh Koffer in Hörstel, in doing this we also guarantee you an entirely personal full aluminium ALUpur case of the highest quality – Made in Germany.
Technical data of the ALUpur
Case size: Individual sizes from a quantity of 1 piece (width, length and height)
Design options: Stickers, screen printing, printing, embossing
Handles & rollers: Ergonomic handle, optionally with trolley system
Locks: Lockable