1.28ml tube with a total capacity of 1.6ml, is equipped with 0.129mol/L sodium citrate 0.32ml. Collect blood 1.28ml to the central scale and after blood collection, we immediately invert the tube gently for 4-5 times so as to mix blood completely with anticoagulant, then put the tube into a D2010 automatic ESR analyzer and after 30 minutes read the data. This product can save time and effort and at the same time prevent cross infection.
Quick Details
Disinfecting Type: Ultraviolet Light Properties: Injection & Puncture Instrument
Stock: No Instrument classification: Class II Safety standard: EN 149 -2001+A1-2009
Rommended storage temper: 4-25℃ additive: sodium citrate 1:4
OEM: Accept