Enhanced quality control.
Generates a report (.cvs format) including number of rejected exposures and reason for rejection
Supports quality assurance by helping you monitor and manage additional exposures
Exposure Index
Optimize imaging techniques.
This histogram is displayed on the control console display
Used to help you optimize image quality and dose
Grid-free imaging.
The Scatter Correction software feature of the CXDI Digital Control Console eliminates the need to use an anti-scatter grid during certain types of X-ray examinations.
Without a grid, the technology helps lighten the load for technologists and makes positioning comfortable for patients.
The Scatter Correction feature is designed to help radiology staff work efficiently without the need to use a grid for certain types of X-ray examinations.
Helps eliminate the need for cumbersome grid alignment and can help shorten exam times, increasing productivity.
Seamless imaging solution.
Stitching allows up to four images to be combined into one large image to assist with diagnosis (e.g. spine, legs, etc.).