The Able Assist transfer aid helps a person from room to room, whilst reducing the physical starains placed on cares by providing an ergonomically correct working position. It is intended to support individuals who can raise themselves from a seated to standing position.
Product Structure
① Handrail
② Aluminium frame
③ Seat
④ Knob
⑤ Knee pads
⑥ Pedal
⑦ Adjustable legs
⑧ Brakes wheels
Product Advantage
• Durable and practical in design, can be manoeuvred easily and used to suit the individual's requirements.
• Enables the user to participate in transfers improving muscle tone and is ideal for transferring users from room to room
• Ideal as an aid to toileting, it can be wheeled directly up to the WC, with wheels positioned to either side, enabling the user to seat themselves with dignity.