Inflammation Indicator: CRP isn'tspecifictoone condition, but its presence tellsyourdoctor
there’s inflammation.Thiscan bedue to various issues like infections,autoimmunedïseases,
or even injuries.
Infection Détection: CRP levels risequickly in responseto infection. Whilenot définitive,a
highCRP can indicatea bacterial infection comparedtoa viral one(though CRP can risewith
virusestoo).Thiscanhelpguidetreatment decisionsbyyourdoctor.
Monitoring Progress: CRP levels can alsobeusedto monitor how v/ellyou're respondingto
treatment for an inflammatory condition. DecreasingCRP levels often indicate improvement.
Heart Disease Risk: Elevated CRP levelsmayalsosuggesta higher riskof cardiovascular
disease.even in seemingly healthy individuels. Early détection allowsfor preventive measures
to improve heart health.
Test range 5~20Gmg/L
Sample type Capillary,Venous
Storage temp 2~8°C
Shelf-llfe 12 months from the manufactured! date