The GloveFAST Cyto Pharma is a negative pressure isolator with vertical laminar air flow. Due to a closed system, there is a safe separation between operator and process. To meet the individual applications in cytostatics manufacturing, the GloveFAST Cyto Pharma isolator can be customized with numerous options. With optional accessories the cytostatic isolator can be equipped for any process in the pharmacy.
Suitable for the processing of:
- Cytostatics (CMR)
- Virustatics
- Capsules
- Hazardous substances subject to TRGS 525
- all toxic active substances
Air quality of cleanroom class A (unidirectional displacementcurrent Laminar Flow) as per EU-GMP Guide within the completework zone
Easy cleaning of inner and outer surface
Easy to clean multi-functional control
Automatic pressure decay test, data are stored by the control
Remote control function. ENVAIR service is enabled to log in the unit in case of failure messages via network, therefore cost-savings in service.
Safe and consequent separation of operator and process due to a closed system
Negative pressure operation (-75Pa) with laminar airflow and actively regulated blowers
Sterile glove-changing system
Easy surveillance, test and maintenance
Ergonomically designed for easy operation, good visibility and high operators’ comfort
Eligible display of internal pressure with delayed ambivalence time, automatic pressure decay test and pressure decay display
Electro-polished stainless steel work surface, easy to clean.