Portable Incubator with active CO₂ & Temperature Control to ship live cells
and other biological material for short & mid-distance journeys:
-Set Incubation Temperature Range*: 18° - 38 °C
-Set Incubation CO2 Concentration Range: 0 – 18%
-Battery Runtime**: >12 hours
-CO₂ source: Disposable CO2 cartridge
-CO₂ Runtime***: 72 hours
-Inlet for preconditioning with external gas mixtures: ✓
-Weight (incl. Go Carry Bag): ca. 9 kg (20 lbs)
-Size (incl. Go Carry Bag): 455 x 230 x 350 mm (17.91’’ x 9.06’’ x 13.78’’)
Data Logging:
-Incubation Temperature: ✓
-CO₂ concentration: ✓
-O₂ concentration: ✓
-Ambient pressure: ✓
-max. & min. acceleration over last minute:✓
-max. & min. tilt over last minute: ✓
-Incubation lid sensing: ✓
-Step counter: ✓
-Remaining CO₂ capacity: ✓
-Battery percentage:✓
-USB-C Powered: ✓
-Wifi-Connect: ✓
∗ set temperature is dependent on ambient temperature
and employment of cool pack.
∗∗ the runtime is dependent on set and ambient temperature
and employment of cool pack.
∗∗∗ at 5% set incubation CO₂ concentration.