MicroStacker™ Polymer Detection System is a biotin-free, polymeric horseradish peroxidase (HRP)- secondary antibody conjugate system for the detection of mouse and rabbit primary antibody on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues in an immunohistochemistry (IHC) procedure. The innovative MicroStacker™ technology allows well-controlled layered stacking of antibodies and peroxidase enzymes on a micro-polymer scaffold. This technique results in a compact polymeric structure that easily penetrates to all cellular compartments. Plus, the system utilizes F(ab’) fragments of IgG secondary antibody instead of the whole IgG, which avoids the background caused by non-specific binding of whole IgG to endogenous Fc receptors. The degree of polymerization of enzymes and antibodies is upgraded with higher sensitivity. The optimal effect can be achieved simultaneously in the mouse/rabbit primary antibody. MicroStacker™ Plus HRP-polymer detection kit is suitable for various types of automatic immunohistochemistry stainer.
Reagent Composition
Code: SD5201 (6 Components)
Peroxidase Blocking Reagents
MicroStacker™ HRP-Polymer
20*DAB Chromogen
DAB Substrate Buffer
Type: Ready-to-Use(RTU)
Specifications: 200T/kit, 300T/kit, 1000T/kit