M. genitalium is a recognised Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), treated syndromically, with clinical presentation similar to that of Chlamydia trachomatis.1
Prevalence of M. genitalium infections in the general population ranges from 1-4%2, and its treatment is challenging due to high levels of macrolide resistance.5
Macrolide resistance testing is recommended by international and local guidelines on management of M. genitalium infections.3,4,6-8
Macrolide resistance testing can guide appropriate treatment choice enabling Resistance Guided Therapy.6
Resistance Guided Therapy is clinically demonstrated to improve patient cure rate and overall patient management.9
Fast detection of macrolide resistance can reduce time to cure, preventing ongoing transmission.9
The Solution
ResistancePlus® MG FleXible detects both M. genitalium and macrolide resistance in ~ 2 hours.
ResistancePlus® MG FleXible offers a fast and simple solution in combination with GeneXpert®Systems. Easily implemented into your existing workflow or setting, with minimal preparation time ~ 10 mins.
High performance test validates a wide range of specimen types and collection devices, including urine and swabs (vaginal, cervical, rectal).**
The Impact
Improving patient management
ResistancePlus®MG FleXible provides therapeutic guidance recommendations, enabling clinicians to make informed treatment decisions. Resistance guided therapy is clinically demonstrated to increase overall patient cure rate.9