The World Health Organization estimated that 38 million people worldwide were living with HIV at the end of 2019.1
Today, measurement of blood plasma HIV-1 RNA concentration (known as HIV viral load) using nucleic
acid- based molecular diagnostic assays has been established as the standard of care in assessing
HIV-positive patient prognosis and response to antiretroviral therapy. Assessment of viral load levels
is a strong predictor of the rate of disease progression and, by itself or in combination with CD4 T-cell counts, has great prognostic value.2-7
The need for a rapid HIV viral load test with flexibility to adapt to any throughput requirements and random access for urgent samples is greater than ever because each individual patient deserves better care.
The Solution
Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load is a quantitative test that provides on-demand molecular testing.
Based on the GeneXpert® technology, Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load automates the test process including RNA extraction, purification, reverse transcription and cDNA real time quantitation in one fully integrated cartridge.
Redefining Simple:
Run daily or on-demand
No requirements for PCR room settings
No daily maintenance or liquid waste management
No batch, no delay
Minimal hands-on time
Compatible with any lab volume
Providing up to 403 viral load results per 8 hours^
Random access 24/7 availability
Run multiple different tests on the same platform at any time
Quantification standards run in every test for fixed cost per reportable result independent of daily volume