Transmit orders and results without the need for a new EMR interface
The CGM SCHUYNET Laboratory Outreach Solution allows physicians to securely order tests and access patient results online. An optional Patient Portal brings that easy access directly to patients.
CGM SCHUYNET is HIPAA compliant with a secure login based upon a powerful encryption/authentication routine.
CGM SCHUYNET allows your physicians to look up prior orders and print results in both report and graphical formats. Physicians may screen their orders for medical necessity as they are placed.
Customized order screens are also available to help increase the name recognition of your lab.
Accept orders from providers online
Healthcare providers can quickly and conveniently order diagnostic procedures using CGM SCHUYNET. The Orders option is configured individually for each of your lab's clients, and eliminates the need for an interface to the client's EMR.
Customer-based order entry improves the accuracy of the orders. When coupled with Medical Necessity, CGM SCHUYNET facilitates the selection of adequate diagnoses for the laboratory tests just ordered. Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) are also printed, as needed.
When the Barcode option is part of your system, labels are printed at the client’s practice to securely identify the patient samples at point of collection. With Orders for CGM SCHUYNET, the laboratory accessioning turns into a check-in process, where the samples and tests are validated, alterations are made as necessary (e.g. a tube broke on the way in)