This product is used for in vitro qualitative detection of Influenza A/B or COVID-19 Antigen in human Nasopharyngeal swab.
【Package Type】
10 tests/ box
20 tests/ box
50 tests/ box
The Test has four pre-coated lines: “C” Control line and “Tl” Test line-, “T2” Test linex “T3" Test line on the surface of the nitrocellulose membrane. Mouse monoclonal anti- Influenza A antibody B is coated on the T1 test line region , Mouse monoclonal anti- Influenza B antibody B is coated on the T2 test line région , Mouse monoclonal anti- COVID-19
antibody B is coated on the T3 test line région , Goat anti- mouse antibody is coated on thce control line region. Mouse monoclonal anti- Influenza A antibody A conjugated with color particles is used as a detector for the Influenza A antigen,Mouse monoclonal anti- Influenza B antibody A conjugated with color particles is used as a detector for the Influenza B
antigen, Mouse monoclonal anti- COVID-19 antibody A conjugated with color particles is used as a detector for the COVID-19 antigen,. During the test, the antigen in the sample interacts with monoclonal antibody A conjugated with color particles making an antigen-antibody color particlc complex. This complcx migrâtes on the membrane via capillary
action to thetest line, whcrc it is captured by the antibody B. A colored test line becomes visible in the result window if the antigens are present in the sample.