This product is used for in vitro qualitative detection of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf)Antigen in human stool sample.
This product is used for in vitro qualitative détection of Plasmodium falciparum ( Pf) Antigen in human stool sample.
The Test has two pre-coated lincs: “C” Control line and “T” Test line on the surface of the nitrocellulose membrane.
Mouse monoclonal anti- Pf antibody B is coated on the test line région and Goat anti- mouse antibody is coated on the control line region. Mouse monoclonal anti- Pf antibody A conjugated with color particles is used as a detector for the Pf antigen. During the test, the Pf antigen in the sample intcracts with monoclonal anti- Pf antibody A conjugated with color
particles making an antigen-antibody color particlc complcx. This complcx migrâtes on the membrane via capillary action to the test line, where it is captured by the mouse monoclonal anti- Pf antibody B. A colored test line becomes visible in the resuit window if Pf antigens are present in the sample.
Each test has a separate test box, which consists of a test card, a desiccant, a sealed bag and a Diluent bufter. The detection card is composed of plastic buckle and reagent strip. The reagent strip consists of PVC plate, sample pad, conjugate pad (sprayed with color particles granule labeled mouse anti- Pf monoclonal antibody A), and nitrocellulose membrane (test line (T line) coated with mouse anti- Pf monoclonal antibody B). The quality control line (C line) was coated with goat anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibody and absorbent paper.
Note: Different batchcs of Plasmodium falciparum test kits (Immunochromatography) are not interchangeable.