Ribotyping is a fragment-based technology utilizing restriction enzymes to target and cut regions of the ribosomal RNA genes (5S, 16S, 23S and the spacer region including Glu-tRNA), generating a DNA fingerprint that is unique to the organism at the strain level.
The Ribotyping system groups together samples whose RiboPrint® patterns fall within a fixed degree of similarity. These patterns can be generated prior or subsequent to each other and may be used to determine the level of similarity between isolates as part of a tracking and trending exercise in an Environmental Monitoring (EM) program. Our team builds and maintained a custom library for each customer who submited samples for riboprinting. Each time the customer submited a new sample, it was compared to all previous samples in their custom library and assigned to a RiboGroup.
In some cases, automated ribotyping can be less effective than sequence-based strain typing, as some species have very little diversity within the ribosomal RNA operon analyzed by the RiboPrinter®. In these cases, sequence-based methods for bacterial strain characterization (SLST and MLST) can provide a much higher level of discrimination and repeatability than automated riboprinting and should be strongly considered.
What is ribotyping of bacterial strains?
Ribotyping is an automated fragment-based analysis of the organism’s DNA fingerprint using the RiboPrinter® system for bacterial characterization.
What is a riboprinting pattern?
Riboprinting is a fragment-based technology that utilizes restriction enzymes to target and cut regions of the ribosomal RNA genes (5S, 16S, 23S,