Shortwave therapy is the application of electromagnetic energy to the body at shortwave frequencies. Shortwave therapy equipment normally uses 27.12 MHz to produce the desired deep heating effect on the tissues of the body.At these frequencies, electromagnetic energy is converted to thermal energy by the induction of circulating currents in the insulating tissue. The heating effect produced by Shortwave diathermy aids the healing process by generating heat deep within the tissue resulting in numberous benifical effects.Shortwave therapy is indicated for the following:
A. Osteoarthritis
Definition: Chronic joint disorders (knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, hand, foot and mandibular joints)
Goal of treatment: Analgesia, tone reduction, stimulation of perfusion
B. Chronic polyarthritis of the hip and shoulder Joints
Definition: Inflammation of more than one joint
Goal of treatment: Pain relief, lessening of inflammation
C. Achillodynia
Definition: Irritation of the Achilles tendon
Goal of treatment: Stimulation of perfusion, elimination of functionally- impaired contractures, analgesia, trophic improvement
D. Bechterew's disease
Definition: Inflammatory, stiffening disorder of the spine and of the major joints
Goal of treatment: Pain relief, local stimulation of perfusion, alleviation of muscular tension
E. Bursitis
Definition: Bursal synovitis
Goal of treatment: Normal function without irritation