Unattended catalyst preparation and screening at ambient and elevated pressure in verasatile 96-well plates with disposable glass vials / reactors.
Chemspeed's solution
The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our versatile, fully automated MTP / well-plate pressure block and our user-friendly software, eanble you to acceleratel, standardize and digitize your catalyst synthesis & screening in flexible well plate formats (e.g. 12x20 mL, 24x8 mL, 48x2 mL, 96x1 mL total volume glass vials).
Example workflow
The interactive workflow panel below showcases example workflows for this solution. Each Chemspeed tool or module performs a set of specific actions, as in any manual lab workflow, and an almost limitless arrangement of these tools is possible.
Powerful advantages
Decrease in cost per experiment up to 90+ %.
Increase in productivity by a factor of 10+.
Catalysts preparation and screening at ambient and elevated pressure in 96-well plates (1-100 bar), work-up, analysis.
Ventilated, conditioned hood for e.g. sensitive, low-temperature chemistry (optional integration within customized MBraun glove-box).
Unique fully automated MTP pressure block based screening.
4-Needle Head for volumetric liquid handling and sampling.
Gravimetric solid dispensing into an unlimited choice of vial / plate / reactor formats.
The balance moves to the destination, increasing speed and efficiency.
Balance resolution of 0.1 mg or 0.01 mg.
A large dispensing range, from a few mg up to several grams.
Powder dispensing / dosing robotic tool can be combined with other tools to accommodate multiple workflows.