Chirana AURA Basic is intended for long-time intensive therapy. There is option of controlled, supporting or spontaneous lung’s ventilation for both children and adult patients including automatic compensation of death space of breathing circuit. The colour 15” touch display and intuitive user interface allows really easy adjustment of basic ventilation modes and their modifications. This breathing unit is independent from central supply of compressed air or from external compressor. The inbuilt multi-membrane air generator delivers constant flow of pressured air in all of requested levels of working pressure and is designed for very long lifetime (above 50000 hours of operation). Optional possibility of low-pressure O2 connection from oxygen concentrator makes Chirana AURA Basic very variable and widely applicable solution even in very hard conditions.
Ventilation modes:
CMV - continuous mandatory /mechanical/ ventilation
SCMV - synchronized continuous mechanical ventilation
PC V - pressure controlled ventilation
SPCV - synchronized pressure controlled ventilation
SIMV(V)+PS – volume controlled artificial inspirium with pressure support
SIMV(P)+PS – pressure controlled artificial inspirium with pressure support
PS – pressure support
APRV (BIPAP) – airway pressure release ventilation
2-Level – two level ventilation (Bilevel, BiPAP, DuoPAP)
2-Level+PS – ventilation at two pressure levels with pressure support at both pressure levels
CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure
MVs (APMV) – minute ventilation servo (automatic proportional minute volume)
MLV – multi-level ventilation
CFS - Continuous Flow support
SIGH – sigh (deep breath)