The cervical locking plates system is intended for the treatment of the cervical spine using an anterior surgical approach.
The system includes locking cervical plates and screws and a set of instruments necessary for implants insertion.
Using the system, depending on the selected type of implant (plate), the following may be performed:
• stabilization and immobilization of the cervical spine (plates with four or more holes)
• additional stabilization in combination with another cervical stabilization system (plates with four or more holes)
• protection against backing out of the intervertebra I cervical cages from the intervertebral spaces after their implantation (plates with two or more holes).
• low-profile plates with open structure, pre-bent to fit cervical lordosis,
• hole plate design allows both rigid and angular positioning of locking screws,
• locking mechanism of elastic rings integrated with the plate holes prevents screw migration in the case of their loosening,
• set of self-tapping screws available in two diameters allows for single or bi-cortical fixation
of the plate in the vertebral body,
• set of plates gives possibility of one-, two-, three- or four-level stabilization.
Plates with four or more holes may be used for:
a. Instabilities caused by trauma or associated with correction of cervical lordosis and kyphosis deformity.
b. Pseudoarthoses as a result of previously failed surgery.
c. Instabilities caused by major reconstructive surgery due to tumour.
d. Instabilities associated with single or multiple level corpectomy or discectomy.
e. Spinal canal stenoses and cervical myelopathy.