STRATOFUSE Fiber Putty is a unique and versatile bone void filler comprised of 100% demineralized allograft bone with cortical fibers woven in. With a fibrous scaffold and increased surface area, STRATOFUSE Fiber Putty offers surgeons an osteoconductive scaffold with superior handling characteristics.
Formable and irrigation resistant
Osteoinductive potential
Sterile: SAL 10-6
STRATOFUSE® Fiber Putty provides superior handling over traditional putty due to the fibrous connection and a proprietary allograft carrier. It is also formable and flowable, but resists irrigation. A unique processing method eliminates the need for extrinsic organic carriers that have no bioactivity or biological function while also preserving and exposing endogenous growth factors found in bone. Cortical fibers increase the surface area available for cellular attachment and proliferation potential, providing an excellent bone grafting option for surgeons.