Choyang CYW-DUO Endoscope Washer & Disinfector offers all features necessary to provide triple protection – protecting patients, protecting operators, and protecting high-priced flexible endoscopes: CYW-DUO establishes a highest standard in automated dual-chamber, dual-scope high level disinfection protocol. By controlling air pressure and water resistance, CYW-DUO guarantees perfect washing and disinfection of both the outside and inside of the endoscopes. The operation can be manual or automatic according to operators’ selection. CYW-DUO is equipped with the most efficient and precise self diagnostic system detects any failures and requires low maintenance.
Top loader
Automated top cover opening system
Touch screen display
7” wide TFT LCD touch screen with independent operating system
Water quality control
Advanced water filtration system with standard bacterial retention micron (0.2㎛) water filter
Thermal control system
Thermal control system for fast and effective disinfection (Max. 60℃)
Operator safety
Easy to use foot switch for hands-free lid operation
Powerful washing process
Spray arm located at top cover for dynamic washing
Safety and validation of cycle
Continuous channel monitoring with flow sensors and leakage monitoring by differential
pressure detection
Dual chamber
Asynchronous cleaning and disinfection with dual independent basin
Barcode system
The process data is saved with endoscope, operator and patient code by barcode reading
Dynamic printer
Cycle report documentation by dynamic printing system