The Vectic control is an electronic module with microprocessor designed for the control and supervision of air-air units (especially rooftop models). This control is implemented in the all CIAT rooftops: VECTIOS and VECTIOSPOWER.
Different terminal options (user / maintenance)
Numerous configurable features
BMS communication
This control enables unit integration with local supervision solutions: pCO Web (1 unit); BOSS mini (up to 50 units) and BOSS (up to 300 units), as well as with the remote solution.
Management of units up to 2 frigorific circuits and 4 scroll compressors with electronic expansion valves, indoor EC plug-fans, outdoor axial fans (EC or AC 2 speed), energy recovery and many other options.
The Vectic control is an electronic module with microprocessor designed for the control and supervision of air-air units (especially rooftop models).
This control consist of a control board, sensors, a VecticGD graphic terminal, and a TCO user terminal (optional).
This system uses a RS485 field-bus to manage additional components such as: pCOe expansion modules, SMALL board, plug-fans, probes of temperature or relative humidity of the ambient air, leak detectors, energy meters, etc.
A BMS card (optional) allows the control board to be connected to a centralised technical management system with the following communication protocols: Carel, Modbus, LonWorks®, BACnetTM MSTP, Konnex, Modbus TCP/IP, BACnetTM Ethernet, TCP/IP, SNMP V1-2-3, FTP and HTTP.