PIROMIX furnaces are small batch dual combustion incinerators (static combustion chamber associated to afterburner chamber), designed for destruction of solid waste with medium – high calorific values, from urban waste, to hospital and industrial waste. Thus they are suitable for use in small residential areas, hotels, camp sites, small senior citizens homes, clinics, factories, etc.
Even if these are furnaces with the lowest destruction power produced by us – thus suitable for low disposal needs – their operating principle already includes a dual combustion technique. All three models in the PIROMIX series come standard equipped with an afterburner chamber, in addition to the combustion chamber, and a system for constant detection and recording of free oxygen and temperature. They are extremely easy to instal and operate. Thanks to their characteristics and low thermal value, Piromix furnaces do not need to be operated by personnel with particular qualifications or licenses.
These furnaces, among the smallest and most cost-effective of the entire Ciroldi production range, are characterized by gas emissions that generally respect applicable regulations and have low consumption and operating costs.
They are easy to install and to use, since they are versatile, they do not require the presence of qualified personnel and they require very few and easy maintenance operations.
PIROMIX furnaces do not require installation in particular facilities and can also be installed outdoors as long as they are protected by a shed