Helping patients to improve their inhaler technique
The Flo-Tone Trainer is a training device that makes it easier for healthcare professionals to help patients achieve the correct flow rate and to master inhale/actuate co-ordination. pMDIs are widely used inhalers, yet most patients do not use them correctly. Many inhale too rapidly, some cannot co-ordinate inhalation and actuation easily. It is important that the correct inhaler technique steps are demonstrated to patients before use.
For use with placebo pMDI training inhalers or Trainhaler
Patients learn to inhale at the correct flow rate and follow the correct inhaler technique steps
Patients learn to maintain inhalation post-acuation to convey medication to lungs
Inhaler training can be conducted quickly
Whistle provides a clear positive signal to actuate
Low-cost, simple yet effective method of inhaler technique training
Currently fits many pMDIs
The built-in whistle produced on inhalation provides a clear positive signal to actuate, helping the patient to understand when they have achieved the correct flow rate for successful drug delivery. Then after actuation, helping them maintain a slow gentle inhalation, to move the medication into the lungs.