The MSE-SC units belong to the SPINchiller family and therefore feature high energy efficiency, self-adaptation and reliability.
They are conderserless units that may be combined with the remote condensers of the CEM2 series. Thanks to indoor installation and remote dispersal of heat into the ambient air, the noise may be transferred to where it causes less disturbance.
Compactness: the width in the units up to 500 kW capacity has been reduced to just 85 cm so that they can pass through normal doorways.
Easy connection to the service system plus a simple control system and easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiring specialised personnel and therefore installation costs.
EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, while guaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary.
The particular abundance of optional accessories allows customisation of the unit, also for special requirements both in the civil and technological air-conditioning sphere. In particular the optional for the HydroPack water circulating unit, consistent with the concept of modularity, has several pumps in parallel (up to 3), to monitor the system load variations better.
The innovative and hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higher quality than can generally be found on the market today.