The SPINchiller series presents a new concept of chiller offering:
EFFICIENCY that increases as the heating load decreases, while guaranteeing maximum requested load when necessary. SPINchiller always ensures maximum comfort with very high efficiency and consequently considerable energy savings;
a modular approach. Several basic units may be connected together to form a single structure according to the required capacity. This allows high production standardisation and therefore utmost operating RELIABILITY;
simple unit-system combination, since these units are SELF-ADAPTING to the characteristics of the actual system, thereby avoiding delicate, timeconsuming calibrations. Easy connection to the service system plus a simple control system and easy maintenance drastically reduce work requiring specialised personnel with consequent reduction in installation costs;
extended operating limits to keep the system running, even under exceptional start-up and load conditions;
customisation of the unit, also for special requirements both in the civil and technological air-conditioning sphere, thanks to the many available optional accessories. The ECOBreeze and HydroPack accessories in particular enhance the qualities of flexibility and energy efficiency. The latter, for example, consistent with the concept of modularity, has two pumps in parallel to monitor the system load variations better and to regulate the water flow in the critical system starting (or restarting) stages so that outside servicing is avoided.
The innovative and hi-tech features of SPINchiller give this series a much higher quality than can generally be found on the market today.